Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Blinding Flash of the Obvious

I think that phrase entered my world when I was like eight or nine years old. It's awesome.

Anyway. I was reading my aunt's blog earlier (possibly the other day, but she posted again today, s%%o I might be wrong), and I realized something interesting.

It's, if you should be interested. She says some brilliant things, and I basically learn something new about her and about life every few posts.

So I suddenly realized is that I've been so terrible at posting this month because I don't have anything huge to say. Nothing that would take more than a few paragraphs to explore a bit, so it didn't really seem worth posting any of the thoughts I've had of late. For some mysterious reason, I feel like I have to have nine thousand things of interest to say in order to post, and I'm pretty sure that's just crap.

Possibly this is a terrible realization, because it's likely to result in me poster shorter blogs more frequently, which could be either good or bad. At the least, it might make me pay a little more attention to the fluidity and comprehensibility of my writing; I've gotten into the bad habit of simply spewing my word vomit at the internet. And checking Facebook and XKCD while trying to post.

Also, as a total side note: Yes, Colorado Springs is on fire (actually, it's the mountains and a teeny bit of city that's burning). Yes, that's kind of terrible.

BUT, boys and girls, if you live surrounded by miles and miles of city, YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE. Don't pack up your junk or worry about being evacuated. And don't whine about how terrible everything is unless you've been evacuated and your house may be burning to the ground. Don't shout about what you'll do if this is arson unless you know and have authority. Don't talk about helping if you aren't going to actually help. And we all know about these fires already. It's all over the news and all kinds of social media. We don't need to keep hearing about it every second. 90% of what I've seen in my newsfeed the last week is fire-related, and the only posts I care about are the ones making fun of this, or the ones about people I know being evacuated.

I'm still hoping for orcs and/or dragons to come pouring out of the foothills to do battle with this city of retirees, stoners, and military families. That would make my summer.

Someone said the Springs looked like Hell, and I laughed. 

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